
Esteemed Mr. Kubilay Göl,

many thanks to you for your email and for forwarding us more information about your society.

As we heard through the international media about the terrible tragedy of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, we immediately as “Kiwanis Children’s Fund Europe” knew, that these persons urgently needed our support! At once, a small group was formed and all our clubs in Europe and furthermore were asked for financial support in a great request within a very short time. We have tried to find a suitable partner at the place in Turkey and thanks to the active contribution of Kiwanis Club Ankara, Mr. Halûk Sucuoğlu we have been aware about your organization. I think, we both have a common goal, a mission — to serve the children of the world and particularly here, to offer to the unfortunate, most affected kids by the earthquake a good school education!

So, on proposal, the board of “Kiwanis Children's Fund Europe” has agreed to allocate a financial support to your organisation for the amount of € 20.000.-.
We would like to express again our great thanks to you and to all your colleagues for your great involvement in the mission of your students.

With our K regards
on behalf of “Kiwanis Children's Fund Europe”

Bernard Altmann
Children's Fund - Kiwanis International

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